Hutan Pinus Pengger


Hasil gambar untuk hutan pinus pengger

Hutan Pinus Pengger is a place where we can spent our holiday there. It is located at Sendangsari, Desa Terong, Kecamatan Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The place is inaugurated at 7 April 2016. For each person, the entrance ticket is Rp 2500,00. 
If you want to go there, from Yogyakarta City, continue your journey to Wonosari Street. After that gp to Bukit Bintang and then go to Pathuk Crossroad. Straight away from there, finally you arrive at Hutan Pinus Pengger. It takes around one hour.
Many facilities that you can find there. Such as mosque, food court, selfie spots, parking area, toilet, and gazebo.
The selfie spots is separated become six spots.
1. Pancawara
The basic form of this creation is human palm, the philosophy of this form is we need to protect all nature object for our grandchild
2. Sabrang Anindha
The fused roof describe that in our life, we need to take care each other.
3. Cetta Abhipara

the basic form of this creation is cone, the philosophy of this form is we need to be serious in studying.
4. Reresik Jagat
The basic form of this creation is broom that tell us to always keep our environment clean.
5. Marmati
The obtuse cube with prism roof describe that every human have a fear of death.
6. Asuma Padukarasa
this creation like a spiritual gate between the city and the forest.

Wisnu Ajitama is the person who in charge made all of these creature. He made the creation with thousand flexible twigs of saliara plant which is crossed or twisted.
There’s a different atmosphere when you go there at night. Usually, the sky looked more beautiful with the stars. From the selfie spot, we also can see how beautiful the view of Yogyakarta City at night. From up there, we can see many lights from the lamp in the city.

Question :
1. What is Hutan Pinus Pengger?
2. What we can see in Hutan Pinus Pengger?
3. How many selfie spot are there? 
4. How we can get there?
5. When the visitors usually visit the Hutan Pinus Pengger?


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